projects_ ferro

transport and lifting company of ultra-heavy machinery
50 years of experience

graphic identity (logo, graphic system, photography quality) does not generate trust in large companies.
name "ferrogruas". over time, ferrogrúas expanded its portfolio of services and ceased to focus solely on the service of cranes.
more than a transportation solution, ferro provides integrated solutions.
positioning of rafael ferro in the industry.
values such as trust, experience, solidity are important for the industry

change of naming to "ferro" for the surname "ferro" that has credibility.
communicate solidity, force, load and movement.
reinforce experience and solutions.

"sabemos que el foco está en los resultados, en que el trabajo se haga y se haga bien hecho. ferro ha hecho historia en torno a esta promesa. tener trayectoria es cuestión de tiempo - hacer historia requiere más.
ferro es una empresa familiar colombiana, que brinda soluciones logísticas, integradas en transporte e izajes especializados en los sectores minero-energético, civil, industrial e hidrocarburos. ferro da la mano firme, trabaja fuerte para la total satisfacción de sus clientes y avanza decidido a seguir construyendo sobre el nombre ferro: distintivo de excelencia, transparencia, solución e impacto sostenible."


digital communicatio
for ferro we designed the website and the social media strategy.

"juan ejemplar"- we created a character that would strategically connect with the company's internal public, in order to use a tone that would allow a certain closeness and camaraderie.

